The Free Style Writing Challenge

I was nominated by Anoop for the free style writing challenge. This challenge was fun and you can get the details of it below. Check out his post here.

So here goes the RULES of this challenge:

  1. Open an MS Word document
  2. Set a stop watch or your mobile to 5 minutes or 10 minutes whichever challenge you think you can beat.
  3. You topic is at the foot of this post BUT DO NOT SCROLL DOWN TO SEE IT UNTIL YOU ARE READY WITH A TIMER.
  4. Fill the word doc with as much words as you want. once you began writing do not stop even to turn.
  5. Do not cheat by going back and correcting spellings and grammar with spell check in MS WORD (it is only meant for you to reflect on your own control of sensible thought flow and for you to reflect on your ability to write the right spelling and stick to grammar rules)
  6. You may or may not pay attention to punctuation and capitals. However if you do, it would be best.
  7. At the end of your post write down ‘No. Of words =_____’ so that we would have an idea of how much you can write within the time frame.
  8. Do not forget to copy paste the entire passage on your blog post with a new Topic for your nominees and copy paste these rules with your nominations (at least 5 bloggers).


My nominees for this little challenge




Erika Fuego

Yas Niger

Open your MS document, time yourself, and start off!

The topic I was given was ‘Pets’  and this is what I could come up with.


“If one hasnt loved an animal, a part of their soul remains unawakened”.

Pets are a very important part of life. They make your day better and your life so much richer. I love animals and am more of a dog person. They love you unconditionally, dont judge or discriminate and are probably the only creatures that love you more than they love themselves. There is so much that they can teach us: to live in the moment, to forgive, to enjoy the small things in life and to love with all our hearts. I’ve grown up with cats, dogs, parrots, crows(yes they can be friendly once they trust you), turtles, hens, cows, goats and so many other birds. I believe that if you want to be kind at heart, then animals too deserve the kindness we would show humans.

Many of humanitys greatest heroes, healers and teachers are not humans, but these amazing critters that give us love, loyalty and so many life lessons. One becomes more happier, kinder, more understanding after having shared a special bond with their pets.

No of words : 181

Timer set : 10 minutes

Comments : Grammar and punctuation errors

The topic for the nominees are ‘Ocean’

Anyone else can also join if they wish to.

Thank You!

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